今天在群友的鼓动下为知名页游 艦これ(Kancolle) 的2024年夏季活动【Operation Menace】的异常复杂的飞机倍卡写了一个计算器

全称 Kancolle Airplane Multiplier Calculator 2024

只需复制(后面会说)一个 svdata 就能用最新最热的人工智能计算出来搭配飞机的最优解法,减轻提督们的脱发困难


支持(目前为止)前三图的所有 boss 战斗点


svdata 是 kancolle 储存装备数据(和家具以及其他数据)的 json 文件,会在每次登入游戏时获取

svdata 储存装备数据的每一行类似于


其中 api_id 是获得该装备的序号,即这是你得到的第几个装备


  1. F12或者右键 检查(Inspect)打开开发者工具(devtools)

  2. 在 devtools 顶端选择 网络(Network)

  3. 刷新网页,盯着 Network 分页中是否收到了 require_info 或者在分页的左上角点查找(search)

  4. 右键 require_info 选择 复制(copy)> 复制响应(copy response)

  5. 将内容粘贴到文本框




Today, prompted by friends in the group, I wrote a calculator for the exceptionally complex aircraft multipliers for the 2024 summer event "Operation Menace" of the well-known browser game Kantai Collection (Kancolle).

The full name is Kancolle Airplane Multiplier Calculator 2024.

By simply copying an svdata file (details below), the latest and hottest artificial intelligence can calculate the optimal aircraft configurations, alleviating the difficulties Admirals face with hair loss.

It supports all types of aircraft: carrier-based fighters, carrier-based bombers, carrier-based attack planes, carrier-based reconnaissance planes, seaplane reconnaissance planes, seaplane bombers, land-based fighters, land-based attack planes, land-based heavy bombers, and large flying boats.

It supports all boss battle points in the first three maps (so far).

What is svdata?

svdata is a JSON file that stores equipment data (along with furniture and other data) in Kancolle, retrieved every time you log into the game.

Each line storing equipment data in svdata looks like this:


How do I get my own svdata?

  1. Press F12 or right-click and select Inspect to open the developer tools (devtools).
  2. Select Network at the top of devtools.
  3. Refresh the webpage and watch the Network tab to see if require_info is received, or use the search function in the top left corner of the tab.
  4. Right-click require_info and select Copy > Copy response.
  5. Paste the content into the text box.

The era of big guns is over

But no matter how advanced the technology, nothing beats a pair of Musashi and Yamato on every fleet.

The calculation results are for reference only and are not responsible for any failures.